Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Stop drinking the water ...

I was reminded today of a wonderful play I saw many moons ago starring Peter O'Toole, who I have had a soft spot for ever since seeing his performance as Don Quixote singing "The Impossible Dream" ... Anyway I digress .. the play was entitled "Jeffrey Bernard is unwell". Jeffrey Bernard being a columnist for the Spectator and the title referred to the magazine's habit of printing a one-line apology when he was too drunk or hung-over to write his regular column.

Now you may well ask why I was reminded of this play today ... I spied a report that Freddie Flintoff is unwell. The team was at pains to confirm that apparently the food in Guyana, on the South American continent, is slightly different from the Caribbean islands England have visited so far in the World Cup.

Yeah right ... nothing to do with the drinking the water then?

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