Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Conspiracy theories

Perhaps I have been spending too much time on the net recently but it seems that each blog I read leads me further into the world of conspiracy theorists. So I thought I would mention a couple that have caused me to raise an eyebrow recently ...

1. The twin towers and WTC7 were demolished professionally. Nothing new here .. I've heard this one before.
2. Apparently on both 9/11 and 7/7 a drill was being carried out reflecting the exact same situation that actually arose. What a strange coincidence?
3. The BBC reported that WTC7 collapsed a full 23 minutes before it actually did.

Now point 3 is interesting, even more so now that I have read an official response to the claims. When I first heard this and watched the video I must admit I simply thought, ok ... it's a horrendous day, people are panicking, rumours are spreading like wildfire, statements can get twisted and quoted out of context. The simplest explanation was that the twin towers had already collapsed and word on the street was that WTC7 was also on fire as per the other two and so there was a fair chance that it too would collapse. I assumed that this message got twisted and by the time it got to the BBC reporter, it had escalated into a story that it had indeed collapsed. Easy explanation.

But the explanation given by the BBC seems to have has just fueled speculation that they are involved in some way or that someone with knowledge that it was set to implode pre-warned them especially with comments such as "We no longer have the original tapes of our 9/11 coverage" ... come on ... just like the Americans who declared that there was no onboard recording of the blue on blue incident, for it to mysteriously be leaked to the public recently?

The whole world seems to have seen the video on youtube and yet the BBC haven't kept a copy of their broadcast from the day which changed the world!! Doh!!

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