Monday, November 28, 2005


Before you ask ... Not a thing ...

Friday, November 25, 2005


Cream has had it easy really with my preganancy. I've been independant and active up until maternity leave started ... now the weather is so cold I am liable to spend all day in a nice warm bed rather than get up and do any housework. I can't lie though ... I have on occasion had the odd moment and burst into tears for no apparent reason. Bless him, Cream has found his own perfect solution to these slight glitches.

"It's all part of the process" he claims. Bloody process ... bloody easy for him to say given that his part of the process lasted minutes ... (ok it was Valentines Day so make it a couple of hours) ... and mine is looking to last well over 9 months!!

Went to the doctors yesterday, everything was fine but she says Zoo's head is no where near where it should be if I was to give birth in four days ... so I think we are resigned to going overdue .. I have another doctors appointment on 1 December and then a further hospital appointment on 8 December to discuss whether we induce Zoo or start charging rent!!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Not long now??

It's been a long emotionally tiring week one way or another ...

Mujnu spent a few days in hospital with respiratory problems which led to further complications and the family held our breath whilst praying that he would pull through alright. Thankfully he is back home now and Goliath and Dejanari swear that he has returned a bit more intelligent than when he left!! Not sure what type of medication they give in hospital these days .. but I could do with some of that stuff too!

I spent the last week at work trying to tie up loose ends but with no-one to handover my duties to, I have had to leave a pile of work with scribbled notes and a lenghty email to my boss explaining what needs to be done and when. Luckily I had pre-empted exactly this scenario and created a manual before I went otherwise the poor bugger who eventually takes over the role would have no chance. It's difficult knowing that the role is unfilled and I am fearful of what I will eventually return to. I have put a lot into the job and it almost feels like I'm leaving my baby behind.

But I suppose I have to leave that one to look after the real thing. Not long to go ... Zoo is active and has perfected, much to Cream's annoyance, the art of moving at the precise moment that he gives up staring at the vast expanse of my belly in the hopes of movement. I also have prided myself in remaining active but this last week has managed to take a lot out of me and poor old Cream has had to be called in on occasion to help me in and out of the bath and to deal with the odd pair of knickers which refuse to behave.

The due date is officially 28 November, but it could be anytime in the four week period surrounding it ... so any time really from now til the middle of December. Hope its sooner rather than later ... not sure how much more of the insomnia and general exhaustion I can take ... but then I suppose I better get used to it ... there's no guarantee that any of that is going to change once Zoo does decide to arrive!