Thursday, April 19, 2007

Afternoon Siesta's

Zoo has been upgraded. We traded him in for the newer version that has one nap instead of two. The grandparents are loving it (as is Cream!). Zoo is no longer fighting to stay awake as they try to settle him for his morning nap and by the afternoon he is so exhausted, he puts up little or no fight and sleeps for a good two and a half hours!! Of course this means that they all get a two and a half hour break from the little terror.

I should be equally pleased ... only one problem. I have lost my morning break!! And it also means that around the time of his now non-existent morning nap he starts getting a tad ratty ... and I have to think of something new to entertain and distract him. The weather today was wonderful so that was easy ... emptied the play sand into his new sandpit/water table, filled it with water and let him go. Lost a fair amount of sand to the garden patio but he absolutely loved it.

I was especially proud of the fact that I had managed to keep him dry throughout. Until of course five minutes before Cream is due back home, when he finds a plug sort of thing in the water table and decides to see what it does. After discovering the new waterfall, he decides to try to stem the flow by crawling under the table and putting his palm against the hole.

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