Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Pick a date, any date

We all know the classic three card trick .. you are shown three playing cards and your task is merely to pick one card. How hard can it be? The magician shuffles the cards, you watch his every move, he lays the cards down flat and asks you to pick the queen out. You are encouraged by whispers of "the middle one" and you reach out to touch the card with a smile on your face, anticipating that feeling of pride as the royal figure is turned over ... only to be replaced by complete confusion as you stare at the uncovered six of spades!

Well that happened to me! I was told that Eid al Adha would be this Friday. For their own safety, those responsible shall remain nameless. So I secure the day off work, knowing that I shall be able to organise my day, go to the mosque with Mum and Dad in the morning and then spend the evening joyfully with the whole family. Only one problem ... I have now been told that Eid is on Thursday!

Now this is my plea to the muslim community, I know we need to unite, to show solidarity with our muslim brothers and sisters around the world ... Together we can solve poverty, violence and man's inhumanity to man ... but how about we start with a slightly smaller aim ... I understand the complications of lunar calendars and the fact that a date isn't just picked out of a hat in advance ... but can we please celebrate Eid on the same day!!!

I have found a solution to the three card trick ... next Eid I am picking all three cards!!

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