Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Artist

At home this week with Hurricane Zoo ... trying to figure out how best to entertain him .. garden is too muddy ... so I have to contain him indoors. At present this involves him finding various toy boxes and emptying the contents on the floor, followed by some yelling and chasing around the house.

Finally managed to find him some building blocks and he is quietly playing so I figure a quick nip to the loo is safe.

I notice that he is exceedingly quiet all of a sudden and then hear scribbling noises coming from the front room.

"Zoo ... what are you doing?" I yell

Everything goes quiet again ... "Zoo?"

"I'm not drawing on the floor, Mummy!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stop curtailing my nephew's natural abilities. If he says he wasn't drawing I believe him.........he was probably writing about his irresponsible mother who leaves him unsupervised whilst going for a shit!

What kind of mother are you?

ps I'm doing body checks before you all enter the house Saturday. Anything that can be used for drawing or writing will be confiscated before entry!