Thursday, July 07, 2005

Olympic Highs and Horrific Lows

It certainly has been a rollercoaster week ... I've been watching the news a lot ... the Live 8 concerts took place amidst great hype ... Myself and Cream must have been the 2 out of the 10 who failed to watch the actual concerts ... I am a little sceptical .. I mean let's be honest would so many people have turned up if instead of a free concert it was just a march to Hyde Park ... perhaps not?! I did watch the march in Edinburgh which was impressive and managed to get myself a makepovertyhistory wristband to show my support nonetheless. Seeing humanity pulling together for the common world good was great and was reminiscent of the 70's days of peace and love. I think they misunderstood the whole flowerpower thing though as the following day the media brought us pictures of police making arrests whilst being showered by freshly yanked marigolds from a bedding display.

The news moved on to the London 2012 Olympic bid and although we weren't the favourites, we amazed the world by winning. London believed that anything was possible and within our reach, we were on an all time high ... unfortunately the day after we were on high alert. Today explosions caused by an alleged power surge on the underground tube system brought travel chaos to the city but as news filtered in of an explosion on a bus, it became obvious that this was something more sinister. The four bomb blasts left at least 49 dead, 700 injured and many still missing or unaccounted for. This is not a new experience for us in London, we have been here before, the IRA attempts at carnage are not that far in our distant past. The Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, known for his occasional controversial comments, was still stuck in Singapore after the Olympic bid success but made an impassioned speech with a mix of tears and anger whilst London, as it has done so many times before, resolutely gets back to its feet.

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