Saturday, July 09, 2005

Go on punk .. make my day ..

Cream is obviously testing out his parenting skills whilst I have been at work. He answered the front door after hearing a knock to find no-one around ... remembering his own misspent youth he spied two young boys looking sheepishly at him round the corner ... so he stared them out until they took flight.

Whilst on his way to the shops not half an hour later he came across the same two lads and glared at them, sneering through his teeth "I'm a postman, I know where you live and I never forget a face!" The kids rightfully petrified ran as fast as they could in the opposite direction.

Cream proudly announces to me that it will be the last time they "knock down ginger" on our door. I explain to Cream that on occasion if the doorknocker has been used to close the door, as it often is, it sometimes gets stuck and falls down a couple of hours later once gravity decides it has had enough ... Cream's face drops as he realises that there was a good chance that the sheepish looking boys outside might have been completely innocent. I reassure him that the kids weren't permanently traumatised and they probably just think he's the local lunatic.

So if you decide to pop round to our house, please use the doorbell instead of the knocker as otherwise you may find yourself being chased down the road by Cream!

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